Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How old are you?????????????

Sometimes I have to stop and remember just how old Michael is..........he does things sometimes that makes me wonder................ take a look????

Hi Mom just playing with rocket ship.............. OHHHH I am such a good boy just playing with my little people............
OH wait I have a great idea............

If I stand like this...........

I can get up on this and JUMP!!!!!!!!!!!

JUMP, JUMP, JUMP till..............

You get caught.............what mom????????????

I was not jumping..............who said I was??????????????

Is she still looking???????????????

She said no jumping but she said nothing about climbing!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah just about up there........

I can stand and play.............

OK back to climbing............

OHHH this is great............

OH HEY MOM.............who me climbing............look at this face how can you be mad at me??? Afterall I am only 10 months old!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! Too cute!! :)