Friday, September 12, 2008

First day of my NEW toddler playgroup!!!

So today was the first day of my "new" toddler playgroup......and tomorrow I start my toddler swim lessons..(I am sure mommy will post pictures of that too)... Here I am before we left I was really excited to go and play with the "tids" (kids).

Come on mom hurry up all the good spots in the circle will be gone!!!!!!!!
******UPDATE-- We went to the playgroup and I think I might have my first girlfriend....her name is Natalie and she is 2 and she has very pretty long blonde hair and she wanted to play with me the whole time...........I can't wait to see her next week.... Mommy was not very happy that I have a girlfriend and all she could say was......"a blonde just like your daddy!!!"

1 comment:

molly said...

oh no....stay with us younger chicks michael!!

xo - elena